Monday, December 22, 2008

Parts of Speech

The term “Parts of Speech” is a gift of Traditional Grammar. A word is categorized under one of the eight Parts of Speech. These Parts of Speech does not tell about the description of a word but about the function and role of a word. Understanding of Parts of Speech is necessary to know when and how to use the right word at the right place. A single word can function differently in different contexts. Like a word can act as a Noun as a verb or as an Adjective depending upon the context.

This can be clarified by an example. Take a word, say, FAST – Now this word can function differently in different contexts.

Fast can function as a:

Part of Speech




She is observing fast today.

Period of abstaining from food


Are you also fasting?

Abstaining from food


The clock is fast.

Moving quickly. It is modifying the noun (Clock)


Mac drives the car fast.

Quickly. It is modifying the verb (Drives)

The eight Parts of Speech are:

1) Noun: A word used to name a person, place animal or thing.

As In: I saw a boy running in the park.

America is my dream destination.

We should try to preserve tigers.

The chocolates are in the blue box.

2) Pronoun: A word in place of a noun.

As In: We will not come tomorrow.

How will you manage to make it up?

I have seen the new movie.

She will surely help you.

3) Verb: A word that tells us about the action being done by the subject.

As in: The children were playing in the garden.

Maria is writing a letter to her parents.

My mother cooks real good food.

He is the one who broke the glass.

4) Adverb: A word that qualifies a verb.

As in: Peter was fast asleep.

They quickly fixed the error.

He behaved arrogantly yesterday.

Danny climbed the tree swiftly.

5) Adjective: A word that qualifies a noun.

As in: She was holding a wonderful book.

Monika is wearing a pretty dress.

I will not drink this cold tea.

Who will go to that dangerous place?

6) Conjunction: A word that joins two sentences, phrases or clauses.

As in: I went there but she did not come.

Harry was reading while Dick was sleeping.

The building collapsed because of earthquake.

She ran faster than him.

7) Preposition: A word that shows relation among other words in a sentence.

As in: He will reach here at two o' clock.

The answer sheet is on the bench.

The Principal's office is near the recitation room.

My house is behind the post office.

8) Interjection: A word that expresses a sudden feeling of heart.

As in: Alas! He died.

Oh! What a beautifully painted picture.

Bravo! Well done.

Hurray! Our Team won the match.

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